Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Deep in Thought

I put blogging on hold for a short while, just not much to write about I guess.

I'm putting more thought in to making New Brunswick a permanent idea (well, for as long as Bryan is with his team). The whole time we have lived here I have sat back and tried to coast through month by month waiting until we decide to move back to Alberta, but I am starting to realize how awful of an idea that is. Roger told me how he hates it when people wait to start their lives without realizing that they have already begun. I have a habit of doing exactly that, and I think it stresses me out. My parents being so far away stresses me out too. Mom laid a guilt trip about never being able to see her grandkids when Bryan and I start a family, which convinced me that we would spend 2 years max in NB, then move closer. Being in school it just made sense to put my stuff on hold, focus on my program and figure things out later. Really though, what's wrong with raising a family here? We could travel during holidays to see my parents and use Skype, hopefully I would find a job that didn't make me want to jump off of a bridge. It shouldn't matter where we start our family, as long as we have stability... right?

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Well December is moving along at a frightening pace. I've decided the earlier you begin your Christmas shopping, the more money you spend in the end. I started shopping in mid-November and I'm still not finished! I also sent some gifts late in the mail and they won't be delivered until the 29th. Oh well, what can you do. I definitely wasn't paying the $50 to have them shipped priority.

Here are some pictures of my knitting so far:

I was working on a cable knit scarf but it's boring me. I really just wanted to get the cable stitch figured out and move on, so I found a neat knitted Santa hat pattern I might try if I can get to Walmart tomorrow to buy the supplies.

I've been doing yoga as much as I can, following Jillian Michael's yoga video. Yikes. The beginner routine kicks my ass, I don't know if I'll ever make it to the intermediate level. Very sore, but feel pretty good. Hopefully I can do some over the next couple of weeks. We're heading out of town for christmas and I'm kind of excited for the time off together. My birthday is also on the 23rd, so it should be a good week!

Saturday, December 4, 2010


Lots of progress has been made lately. I finished my semester 3 weeks early and have noticed a serious change in my personality. I wake up in a good mood. As normal as that sounds, it is rare. I feel like a different person. The change is startling to be honest. Stress over school, money and classes can completely change me, and it shouldn't be like that. Hopefully now that I recognize the change in myself, I can make an effort to be more in control.

I started doing yoga again. The dogs love it, they think it's a new kind of game. Brody lays on his back and stares up from underneath me while I try to switch positions without crushing him. Rex just licks my face every time he can get within reach. Normally this would frustrate me, but it was a riot. I couldn't help but laugh at them.

Knitting has progressed... somewhat. I'm almost done my first complete project and I'm ready to start about 20 other ones! I went from being excited about the pattern to disappointed about the initial product, but as I near the completion of the scarf I am getting kind of excited to show it off. 

Christmas shopping has been "almost finished" for about 2 weeks now. I think once the online stuff gets delivered, we're just going to buy a pile of gift cards and give them to everyone we haven't bought for. My credit card has taken a beating. I keep telling myself I have saved a lot by buying personal low cost gifts and taking advantage of internet sales, but a part of me wants to throw up when I look at my bank statement. Oh well, what are the holidays for??