Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Candy Rant and my Wednesday Plan

I'm trying to cut back on the sugar in my diet due to my last visit to the dentist, which warranted a lecture from my dentist and some concerned advice from the tech about my teeth and the state that they're in. I have had 13 cavities filled in the past year. In my defense, I had managed to avoid that chair for the previous 6 years, which I'm sure didn't help. Regardless, after my last 2 were filled, the dentist told me the direct cause of the cavities was sugar. Now, I have always been a big sugar fan but I honestly didn't think that I ate enough to literally rot the teeth out of my head. She told me to cut back on it, plain and simple. I talked with the assistant, who informed me that some people are just more susceptible to tooth decay than others, and that I need to step up my flossing if I want to stay ahead of it.

Needless to say, I'm hating this sugar crisis. It has always been a slight addiction of mine. I drink it in my coffee, I snack on it, I bake with it, I cook with it, and there is sugar in almost everything!! Everything good anyway... bleh.

Oh well, I don't have much of a choice if I want to avoid having dentures before I'm 30.

TTC Update: I'm 13 DPO (since I'm writing this at 5:14am...) and so far have had nothing but BFN's and major cramping, with a couple throbbing headaches to round things out. AF should grace me with her presence today. Oh well, I'm having a stress free Wednesday just to spite it all!! I'm going to make homemade chicken soup, homemade vanilla and lavender scented soap, do a little reading, maybe make some jewelry, play with my dogs, and go out on a date with the love of my life! Sounds pretty darn perfect to me :)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

10 10 10

Well, it is the 10th day of April. I am 10 DPO and this is our 10th month of trying. I thought the stars may have been aligning for us today, so I tested. BFN.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

9 DPO on the 9th

Today I'm 9 DPO on my final TTC cycle until July. I have had some mixed emotions this cycle (as seen in a recent YouTube VLOG...) but my hopes are up so high right now, it scares me. Bryan's are too. I took a HPT on 7 DPO and 8 DPO, then I was so crushed I didn't even bother with today. On top of this, the idea of leaving Bryan again for 3 months makes my stomach turn. We do grow from them and it allows me focus 100% on my work, but I hate it. 3 months is way too long to be without the person you love, AND your amazing dogs and cuddly kitties :(

I am looking forward to seeing my parents. With everything my dad has been through, it will be nice to spend a week with them before school starts (and any following weekends that I can spare the time). Mostly I'm looking forward to being finished school!! Forever!! We have been looking at houses and discussing future plans a lot more frequently lately, so I guess this 3 month break is just a stepping stone before the ball really gets rolling! Kind of exciting when I put it that way... :D

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Positive Vibes

Alright, this is going to be a positive post!

After 3 days of + OPKs my temp finally shifted. FF says that if we conceive this cycle, the due date would be December 23rd (my birthday!!!). That would be the best birthday present imaginable.

I've found another relatively new hobby, slightly related to an old one. It is crocheting with wire. I found some really neat ideas online and I think I could really get in to it. I'm going to get started on it ASAP and post some pictures as I complete my projects.

My 3 month trip back to AB begins in 18 days, which is kind of bittersweet. I'm excited to see my family, friends, schoolmates, and finish my course. On the other hand, it's 3 months of unemployment and being away from Bryan and our furr babies. I'm sure it will fly by and I'm just going to enjoy the time I have with family. Positive thoughts!