Saturday, April 9, 2011

9 DPO on the 9th

Today I'm 9 DPO on my final TTC cycle until July. I have had some mixed emotions this cycle (as seen in a recent YouTube VLOG...) but my hopes are up so high right now, it scares me. Bryan's are too. I took a HPT on 7 DPO and 8 DPO, then I was so crushed I didn't even bother with today. On top of this, the idea of leaving Bryan again for 3 months makes my stomach turn. We do grow from them and it allows me focus 100% on my work, but I hate it. 3 months is way too long to be without the person you love, AND your amazing dogs and cuddly kitties :(

I am looking forward to seeing my parents. With everything my dad has been through, it will be nice to spend a week with them before school starts (and any following weekends that I can spare the time). Mostly I'm looking forward to being finished school!! Forever!! We have been looking at houses and discussing future plans a lot more frequently lately, so I guess this 3 month break is just a stepping stone before the ball really gets rolling! Kind of exciting when I put it that way... :D

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