Saturday, April 2, 2011

Positive Vibes

Alright, this is going to be a positive post!

After 3 days of + OPKs my temp finally shifted. FF says that if we conceive this cycle, the due date would be December 23rd (my birthday!!!). That would be the best birthday present imaginable.

I've found another relatively new hobby, slightly related to an old one. It is crocheting with wire. I found some really neat ideas online and I think I could really get in to it. I'm going to get started on it ASAP and post some pictures as I complete my projects.

My 3 month trip back to AB begins in 18 days, which is kind of bittersweet. I'm excited to see my family, friends, schoolmates, and finish my course. On the other hand, it's 3 months of unemployment and being away from Bryan and our furr babies. I'm sure it will fly by and I'm just going to enjoy the time I have with family. Positive thoughts!

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