Wednesday, November 3, 2010

November 3rd

Tonight is my third night shift. Only one more to go until days off.

Yesterday morning Brody and Rex let me sleep in until 1:00pm, which was a first. Usually I'm in bed by 6:30am and up by 11:00am to clean up whatever mess Brody has made that morning. Not this time though... they cuddled in bed with me while I recharged after my twelve hour night shift. It was a nice surprise.

Tomorrow we are planning a trip to Plaster Rock to visit Bryan's parents, which is exciting. I will be slightly exhausted from working the night before, but hopefully I can squeeze in a nap on the way there.

I'm still having a hard time getting over my recent loss of the 5,000 pictures on my computer when the hard drive crashed. It kind of makes me feel sick actually. I like to consider my picture taking as one of few hobbies that I have, so losing 6 years worth of pictures hurts a little. There's not much I can do now, except maybe take up drawing again... which isn't a bad idea.


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