Friday, November 5, 2010


Went to PR today for a visit. I am really starting to appreciate these little "stay-cations," even more than I previously did. It gives me a nice break from school, work and most importantly, from being stuck in the house. Most of my days off are spent inside doing housework or studying and when I work nights, I spend some of the day sleeping and the rest making supper and getting ready for work. A lot of being stuck at home is due to only one vehicle to share, plus the fact that we live 10 minutes outside of town. I could take the dogs for walks, but taking them along the same road every time has grown old quickly. They get a lot more out of chasing each other and darting around the yard anyway. I need a hobby, but I have yet to find anything that really interests me enough to stick with on a long term basis. I would love to learn how to knit or crochet, but haven't put much effort towards it yet. I do need to work on Brody's training a lot more too. Maybe that will be tomorrows task... and poop pick-up (my favorite... ugh).

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