Saturday, November 27, 2010

k1 p1

I dove head first into the wonderful world of knitting. I am working on a scarf right now. Didn't realize how much there was to know! Youtube is a huge help because I don't find the pictures very easy to follow. So far so good, I'm taking it one day at a time and trying to embrace the concept of improving my skills rather than just quitting because something because I'm not good at it from the beginning (which I do often).

The town had a "Black Friday" all day yesterday. I went out before work but ended up just buying things I could have bought any other day. I don't need a new TV or a 20-piece set of stainless steel pots and pans, so whatever was left at 4:00pm wasn't really appealing for me. Oh well, less money spent. I did find cute hats for the dogs for under $3 a piece. Bonus!

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